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10.08.2024 We are sorry to inform you that we had to cut some maesures to rise some of the prices of our products.The inputs,be it price of electric cost,raw materials needed to machine all our parts or just cables and connectors has risen significantly over the last year.Still,we did not respond immediatelly by increase but rather waited if the market would stabilize in prices.That has not happened and we are forced to respond.The prices was risen from 5-25% on certain occasions.The cables as H155 BELDEN has been the least victim of the measure,and the risenning is only 5%.The other antennas especially high power ones took the heat of the measure,because price of good quality insulating materials as teflon or POM-C insulator has surged significantly.We are to remind that our company buy all the material from EU countries and never from China and market is not a walk in the pink garden right now,as so to speak.Hopefully the situation will improove and we will be at the price minimum once again.
10.08.2024 Not far where our little company is based is lake Zemplinska Sirava that we are living and working right next to.It is called Slovakia Sea and granted that it is sweet water lake type,it is biggest artificially made lake in Slovakia.